Drug Supply/Trafficking

Drug Supply/Trafficking

The definition of supplying drugs can be something as simple as buying in bulk to share with your friends, or supplying for a commercial basis. Large drug trafficking operations are often the subject of lengthy undercover operations with complex evidence like cell site analysis and ANPR tracking. We are expert in considering, what is often, thousands of pages of extremely complex evidence and helping guide you through why the police may think you are involved.

Some of the more recent serious drugs cases in the courts at the moment involve the complex evidence from EncroChat devices (see EncroChat section) or other types of complex undercover, mobile phone and cell site analysis.  This can often lead to many thousands of pages of evidence against you which require careful consideration so that you may be fully aware of the case and strength of the evidence against you.

For cases involving allegations or large amounts of drugs, over a long period of time, prison sentences are often in double figures to it is worth seeking advice at the earliest opportunity.  Ideally, as soon as the police want to interview.  Often what is said at the police interview is the most important stage of the case against you and good advice at the time is crucial.